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Month: September 2015

CQ Strategic Marketing hosts work experience student

During August, Greg Welsh, 15 from St Mary’s High School in Chesterfield has completed several days work experience with CQ Strategic Marketing.  Greg had the opportunity to accompany Managing Director, Jackie Cook to two clients premises LBBC Technologies in Stanningley, Leeds and Opus-UK in Sheffield.


CQ Strategic Marketing provides marketing strategy, planning, coaching and practical support tailored to the individual business.  Based in Sheffield, South Yorkshire they provide ongoing support or one off projects to SME’s and business support organisations in local, national and international markets.


Jackie Cook, Managing Director of CQ Strategic Marketing said “Whilst working with CQ Strategic Marketing Greg has been involved in scheduling regular social media content for both CQ Strategic Marketing and the separate brand CQ 4 Small Biz.  He has also worked on the company database, helping conduct market research to identify the correct contact with the target organisation. He has also prepared, with little assistance, Directions to the company’s premises which will be used in marketing brochures, on the website and to send out as required. Greg has been very professional when out at clients and involved in client meetings.  He has assisted greatly with the marketing of both CQ and our clients business.”


LBBC Technologies, has continually strived to push the boundaries of pressure vessel and autoclave design; through precision engineering, advanced technologies and electronic intelligence.  Whilst at LBBC Technologies, Greg attended a meeting with outside agency, Push Creativity, discussing the commissioning of animated videos for the company to utilise at exhibitions and on the company website.


Opus-UK offer a comprehensive range of IT software, support and telecoms services across the UK from their base in Sheffield, South Yorkshire. Providing on time, on budget and seamless IT support either as consultants or part of the in-house team.  During his time at Opus-UK Greg published regular content on their social media.


Greg Welsh said “These experiences have enhanced my skills in many fields such as understanding marketing through social media and also my ability to suggest my opinion in formal business situations.”


Greg’s work experience was part of the Summer Camp programme run by The work-wise Foundation which gives 14-18 year olds work experience during the summer holidays supported by 2 days of employability skills induction.  Students that complete the Summer Camp have the opportunity to attend a graduation ceremony which this year is on Monday 14th September at the Cutlers Hall, recieive a certificate of completion and are guaranteed job interviews with work-wise employers.

CQ Strategic Marketing to exhibit at Yorkshire Business Festival

CQ Strategic Marketing and CQ 4 Small Biz will be exhibiting at the Yorkshire Ladies Links – Yorkshire Business Festival on Thursday 1st October 2015 at Tankersley Manor, Barnsley.  Attendees will have chance to meet a number of the specialist marketing and business support team on the day and book a free 1/2 day marketing review with Chartered Marketer, Managing Director, Jackie Cook.


The event will host eight award winning inspirational guest speakers who will share their expert knowledge and success stories and is expecting over 300 attendees.  There are exhibitors from all over Yorkshire are booked to attend. There’s something for everyone! Networking, shopping, learning new skills and supporting charity all under one roof!

To find out more and book your free place to attend the event please go here: